My additional web pages containing research and professional info:
- Google scholar → GO
- LinkedIn → GO
- ResearchGate → GO
- WoS Researcher ID → GO
- Scopus Author ID → GO
- ORCiD → GO
Web pages of my present and past affiliating institutions as well as institutions/facilities/groups I visited for research purposes:
- Institute of Physics, Zagreb → GO
- T. Michely research group, University of Cologne → GO
- C. Busse research group, University of Siegen → GO
- K. Watanabe research group, Kyoto University → GO
- M. Horn-von Hoegen research group, University of Duisburg-Essen → GO
- Brookhaven National Laboratory → GO
- Elettra Synchrotron Trieste → GO
- Solaris Synchrotron Krakow → GO